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Rutgers Newark – Department of Urban Education has two Alternate-Route programs.

Post – Bacc Urban Secondary Education C.E. (content area – math, English, science, social studies, world languages, tech ed, etc)

Post – Bacc ESL/Bilingual Urban Education C.E. (English as a Second Language and/or Bilingual/Bicultural Education)

Fall Admission Deadline: April 1
Spring Admission Deadline: November 1
Summer Admission Deadline: January 1

Rutgers Newark’s Alternate Route programs are an in-person/hybrid model.

The Certificate of Eligibility (CE) is a credential with lifetime validity issued to an individual who has NOT completed a teacher preparation program, but who has met the basic requirements for certification including academic study and applicable test requirements. The CE authorizes an individual to seek and accept employment in NJ public schools requiring certification.

In order to be enrolled into either of Rutgers University Newark Post-Baccalaureate programs, candidates must be enrolled into Provisional Teacher Program by your school district and candidates will need to have applied for and been awarded the CE or Limited CE from the NJDOE (based on the Certification Checklist).

For more information, visit

Steps for Choosing an Alternate-Route Pathway
  1. Apply for a Certificate of Eligibility (CE)
  1. Obtain a Certificate of Eligibility.
  1. Accept employment and begin the Provisional Teacher Process (PTP).
  1. Meet mentoring and evaluation requirements.
  1. Meet formal instruction requirements.
  1. DOE Approved CE Educator Preparation Program.
  1. Successfully complete the Provisional Teacher Process and receive a Standard teaching certificate.

Alternate-route candidates apply DIRECTLY TO THE NJDOE for CE certification